Setting Up a Great Infrastructure for Design and Development
These days, there is no avoiding the fact that you need a website for your business. It doesn’t matter if the majority of your business is done offline. The website is essential because it allows people to experience your brand and find the information that they need about you when they are researching about you online. If you have a business that relies on the internet, as is the case with an e-commerce business, the website will be even more important.
When we think about developing our website, most of us only think about the way it looks, but the infrastructure is just as important as the front end or even the backend. All three of these details work together to help you create the best experience for your users. Here’s more information:
Create a Good Foundation for Your Website
Website development is about more than just creating a site that looks great and helps you achieve your business goals. It’s also about more than just selecting a CMS and writing code that will give the site the appearance that you desire.
The infrastructure is essential, too, and a great infrastructure could make the difference between a website that functions well and one that is frustrating. It creates the very foundation of your website, and if it is running smoothly, so will your website. If it is running poorly, then this will also be reflected in your website’s performance.
What Does the Infrastructure Entail?
So, what are we referring to when we talk about the site infrastructure? In a nutshell, we are referring to the server, hosting, and other backend details that impact the way your website runs, but don’t necessarily have to do with the physical design. Here’s a list:
- Servers. Details such as what software the server uses and how big of a server you need are both part of the infrastructure. This also includes whether or not you will use backup servers, and if so, how many will you need?
- Region. Think about the region you are targeting. Do you want to target both domestic and international audiences? The infrastructure needs to be set up to help you reach these goals.
- Autoscaling. Whether or not your server will use “autoscaling” will depend on the resources you have available as well as your goals. A good agency will help you determine if this is the approach you should take.
- A CDN, or a content delivery network, can help your website run smoother. However, it isn’t for everyone. This is also something to consider when developing your website’s infrastructure.
As you can see, there are some key decisions that need to be made when planning your website, and these are decisions that shouldn’t be taken lightly. They make a big difference in the functionality of your website. A good website development agency will not only help you make the best infrastructure decisions possible, but also take care of the management and maintenance of it.